What is SSL?

SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. This is a global technology security standard that creates an encrypted link between the web server and the browser. This link ensures all data exchanged between the web server and the browser is always secure and secure.
SSL ensures that all data transmitted between web servers and browsers are private and separate. SSL is an industry-standard used by millions of websites in protecting online transactions with their customers.
Why Should We Use SSL?
When registered the domain name to use website services, the email has security vulnerabilities that lead to the risk of hacker attacks. SSL solution helps to protect website and customer information.

DV SSL Domain Validation |
SSL certificate for domain name - website. When a website uses DV SSL, it has authenticated the domain name (domain), the website is encrypted safely when exchanging data. |
OV SSL Organization Validation |
SSL certificate authenticates the website and authenticates the business that owns the website. |
EV SSL Extended Validation |
Show your customers that the website is using SSL certificates with the highest level of security and be carefully reviewed with a green address bar, showing the company's full information, providing a level of Higher trust in your website. |
Wildcard SSL Wildcard SSL Certificate |
Great product for e-commerce portals. Websites of this type can often create e-store sites for online shop owners, each e-store is a subdomain and is shared on a unique IP address. At that time, to deploy the security solution for online transactions (when ordering, paying, registering & logging in, ...) with SSL, we can use only one Wildcard digital certificate. for the primary domain of the website and share a single IP address that is shared across all sub-domains. |
SSL protects online transactions and helps improve website reliability for customers.

How do customers know my website is secure and Safely?
When the website sends the browser an SSL certificate, the browser sends the certificate to an approved host of digital certificates. These servers are established by reputable companies like GlobalSign.