Tenten.vn is the top domain name registrar in Vietnam

The best ".VN" domain name registrar in 2021

Instruction Domain Registration

Customer support


Please follow the bellowing instruction to register domain name at TENTEN:

  • 1 Search domain name.

    Enter the domain name at the search box at TENTEN hompage and click "Search" button.

  • 2 Select the domain name you want to register.

    You can only select the domain name which is available to register.

  • 3 Create Order information.

    Order more service such as Web Hosting, Email Server, SSL certificate, Cloud server,.....

    Choose Order Contract Period you want to buy, and enter promotion coupon code (if any)

  • 4 Confirm account information

    Create your account at tenten.vn and the information of the service owner.

  • 5 Choose payment method:

    We recommend you to choose online payment methods such as Vnpay QR code, Momo,.....so that your order will be activated automatically.

  • 6 Confirm order information and click "Order".
  • 7 After payment

    If you do not choose online payment methods such as wire-transfer or ATM transfer, please scan of the standing order or wire-transfer Receipt or ATM invoice and send it to Billing@tenten.vn we will check and activate the service manually for you.

Online support

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