Tenten.vn is the top domain name registrar in Vietnam

The best ".VN" domain name registrar in 2021

Service Level Agreement

Customer support

Terms of Services

We always strike to provide our customers with high quality products and services. To build customer trust and loyalty, we are committed as bellowing.

  • 1 Terms of support:

    - We are commited to response within 1 hour at the latest from the time of receiving the support request (during office hours on working days) from you.

  • 2 Terms of payment and service activation:

    - Activate automatically via smartlink, paypal online payment system: within 5 minutes from the time you complete the payment successfully (except for cases where the system error arises from the payment gateway provider located out of our processing power). In case more than 5 minutes after completing the payment successfully, the service has not been activated, please notify us to check and support service activation.

    - Activate manually via checking and confirming payment (Internet banking, cash, ATM transfer or at the bank): within 1 hour (during office hours on working days) and within 24 hours ( outside office hours, holidays, holidays) from the time of receiving the payment from the Customer (except for cases where the Customer transfers but the information is incomplete and clear, making us unable to activate for Customers). In this case, please notify us immediately to check and support the service activation.

    - We will refund 100% of the amount you have paid in case your domain name is not registered.

  • 3 Terms of Server availability:

    - Commitment to the availability of services provided by the Server

    - Ensure access time of Cloud Server and Cloud VPS services is over 99.5% (except for periodic System Maintenance or force majeure cases or failures from our system) ).

  • 4 Commitment to backup and data recovery:

    - For Web Hosting and Reseller Hosting: we commit to make weekly data backups for the service under the override mechanism, the backup data the following day will overwrite the previous backup data. there. This backup is primarily intended for use when a hardware failure occurs.

    - For Autobackup service: store 3 backups as an image snapshot, Customers can take the initiative to restore Cloud from backup or we will support the operation when you request.

  • 5 Commitment to hardware replacement:

    - When there is a problem, the hardware must be replaced, within 4 - 48 hours after confirming the incident, the damaged hardware will be replaced with new or equivalent.

  • 6 Commitment to data and information security:

    - We are committed to providing a data security system for customers when data is transferred and stored on our system.

    We may send confidential information via email or receive your support request. In case you no longer use the email provided, you must notify us of this change.

    - We undertake not to compromise your data, not to leak, leak or disclose information except as required by law.

  • 7 System maintenance periodically:

    - System maintenance is a mandatory task for us to ensure the continuity of the service provided to you. We will make every effort to ensure that this will at least affect your use of the service.

    - We will inform you 48 hours before the start of maintenance.

    - When urgent maintenance is needed, we will notify you at least 10 minutes before the start of maintenance.

    - Total maintenance time of 1 month is not more than 8 hours.

Online support

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